In a whimsical board game world, an unrewarded sidekick dreams of freedom trapped in endless game resets. When a young boy and his family on the brink of divorce join the game, an unlikely alliance between the sidekick and the boy forms. Together, they seek eternal play to unravel the true meaning of happiness.
In a whimsical board game world, a little sidekick yearns for more, but he’s trapped in the monotony of endless game resets. Yet, when a young boy and his family, on the verge of divorce, become players in the game of Wonder Wander, it sparks an unlikely partnership between the boy and the sidekick. Together, they embark on a daring quest to ensure the game’s perpetuity. Fueled by the boy’s unwavering determination to keep his family together, they journey through a vibrant realm, encountering a captivating array of fantasy characters, from princesses and devils to giants.
“Wonder Wander” gently imparts the understanding that even as families evolve, the essence of family remains steadfast, guiding each individual toward their path to happiness. This enchanting narrative weaves entertainment with profound lessons of resilience, adaptation, and the enduring bonds of family in a world brimming with surprises.
At a glance
- Prospect Format: Feature Film
- Source: Original
- Story by: Jiri Sadek
- Stage: Early development / Animated teaser in production
- Genre: Family adventure
- Target group: Family, Kids 8+
- Country: Czech Republic
This project has an animated teaser in production, which is due by January 2024!
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